
Showing posts from March, 2021

Art18 encourages individuals fights mental illness with a stroke of a paint-brush

  Mental health is a major issue circling us. One might not even know of their friend who has anxiety while they chat over a cup of tea. Our busy deadlines and hectic schedules might keep us at bay but the one with everything yet feels lonely at the end of the day. Covid-19 or coronavirus has impacted millions of people all over the world. According to WHO (World Health Organization), about 7.5% out of 1,00,000 Indians suffer from  mental disorder. The theme of last years World Mental Health Day was “Mental Health for All” which raise the awareness of mental health issues, as it unifies the world on the 10th of October.   The count of people in depression or anxiety went off the roof, due to isolation and social distancing. But that didn’t stopped the new-gen, in October, people started spreading different illustration and art work online under different tags. One of them was #inktober2020. Different of artists in different of cities have been sharing their love for ...